Konsultant Digital Agency is offering a competitive deal for all students – no matter where you study, we are here to boost your business ideas!

For a budget friendly fee, your business venture can have a place to call home!

Present us with your valid and current student card to receive a 4 – 6 page budget friendly website.

Any student is able to claim

Custom WordPress Website

with up to 6 pages including Home, About, Services, Contact (with contact form).

Administrator Login

to update your website and to enable you to create more pages!

Links to your Social Media

as well as setup for business social accounts.

Simple Logo

web based only – print version not included in this package deal.

Website Branding

colours, fonts and styling specific to your branding.

40 Minute Training Session

on how to manage website content and ensure it remains up to date.

You will need to provide


Images are what helps bring your website to life. We only use photos you own or purchase. We are happy to assist in sourcing fantastic images to give your website the "wow factor".


Compelling. Captivating. Unique.
We provide professionally written content to help lift your website to the next level. A small extra fee applies.